
@letitrainathousandflames a followup to this post

Rex: what the HELL happened out there

Dogma: Fives and Hardcase disobeyed direct orders and went off on their own

Echo: I went with them because ‘never leave a brother behind’

Hardcase: in my defense, sir, it seemed like a good idea at the time, and we DID blow it up, sooo

Fives: it was my fault, i told him to do it

Rex, taking out his data pad and making notes: So, Dogma tattles on his brothers, Echo somehow cites regulations to defend blatant nonsense, Hardcase thinks big explosions excuse anything. And YOU. *glaring at Fives*


Rex: aaaaand bingo!


Rex: okay, next question: if an order from a superior officer goes against regulations, what do you follow?

Dogma: orders

Echo: regulations

Fives: your gut

Kix: the option that leads to less casualties

Fives: *pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and marks a couple of X’s on it*

Fives: “Echo is a nerd” and “Kix makes everyone sad”, good going guys…

Rex: Fives!

Fives: “Captain Rex says my name angrily”! Thanks sir, I got bingo!



How the Clones cheer up their s/o when they mad at them

so i was watching random ass videos on instagram again, and i saw this video with a couple in it and thought “why tf not i haven’t wrote many imagines lately” so yeah if y’all want a request shoot me message! thanks y’all enjoy 🙂

Taglist: @igotanaddixon @attemptingtowriteagain @sevlikesallart 

If you wanna be in the tag list, send me message! 🙂


  • Fives: He knew that you were angry, and he did feel a little guilty. But goddamn, you cannot resist a guy this slick. Fives will literally do the cheesiest things to make you not mad at him anymore. The boy will take you out, pay for your drinks (i mean he always does), kiss you passionately anywhere, and more intimate things ;). If his s/o is still pissed off, he’ll go to the last resort: GOING MORE OVER THE TOP Fives will put on your favorite song on a holopad and sing beautifully might i also say sexily as well as him swaying you in his arms, slow dancing with the love of his life. not even you can stay mad at him for a long period of time.

  • Echo: Kriffing Christ, talk about freaking the hell out when his s/o ignored him. Echo is absolutely opposite of Fives, but he damn well is A plus at being a good boyfriend. He will leave behind certain objects, like your favorite flower, or small notes saying “hope you have a great day cyare. ❤️”. At this point, you’re not even anywhere near the word “angry”. His s/o will search everywhere for him, just to find him standing in the mess hall with your favorite book, and a bouquet of red roses, just for his cyare.

  • Rex: The Captain has not a single clue on how to make their s/o happy during the first few hours they’re ignoring Rex. But like Fives, this suave ass Captain can also pull some stunts on his lover. He’ll make his s/o’s coffee to the crispest taste, whenever they’re around fixing a ship or speeder, Rex will kiss their s/o on any exposed skin, and he will leave you love notes everywhere. When you find a love note that says, “if every star represented how many times I’ve fallen in love with you, I’d have the whole galaxy in my hands”. His s/o isn’t even angry, they just want to find Rex, and make love to him all night.

  • Wolffe: oh my holy jesus. this guy doesn’t need words, he’ll make you want him in like 15 minutes. Wolffe isn’t like Rex, Echo, or Fives. He won’t openly flirt with you when his brothers are around, but when y’all are alone he will get you in the mood. This Commander will sneak occasional sexual looks around your body. If you’re wearing something tight, Wolffe will run his hand down your ass, if you have exposed cleavage, he’ll trace down from your neck to the center point of your breasts, and if you’re trying making him feel good in a teasingly way, Wolffe will punish his s/o lovingly in the bedroom. Good luck with that.

  • Cody: Y’all. This guy is the absolute definition of suave. 10/10 got it from Kenobi. This boy is a mix of Fives and Rex. He’s goofy, but at the same time, he will love you. When he calls you over and you turn away, he snaps into the suave mode. literally. Whenever he’s around you, he’ll hum your favorite song and Cody will run his hands down your arms aND MAKE YOU S H I V E R. He’ll place roses at your usual places with cute lover letters in Mando’a, and Cody will kiss you on the back of the neck everytime he is around you. When you finished the last repair of the night, there was a holopad saying to go to the very last LAAT gunship. Beginning to get angry again, Cody s/o rushes to the location. “Okay, that ship was supposed to be the last-” You look up to see Cody inside the LAAT with small candles, fairy light scattering the inside of the ship, the Commander of the 212th attack battalion holding some tea. “Care to join me cyare?” The two of you felt only love that night.

This is amazing!!! I love it so much 😍

Echo and Fives


We kind of assume Echo was the follower and Fives was the troublemaker, but look who is getting into fisticuffs with Hevy


Look who talks trash during Commander Colt’s speech


Look who takes charge when they try to leave Domino Squad


Look who silently checks on baby bro Fives to make sure he’s hanging in there


Look who freaks when Fives takes a shot to the shoulder (and Cody has to tell him to keep fighting)


Look who is gung-ho to get flash-frozen and team up with some battle droids


Look who recklessly runs from cover, drawing enemy fire when Ninety-nine is shot


Look who isn’t afraid to show intense emotions such as grief and mourning


Look who rushes for the shuttle and breaks all our hearts and who stays cautiously behind


Then there’s this line from “Rookies” which was deleted from some versions of the episode due to complaints (way to be a bad influence on the kids, Echo)

And one of my favorite moments, Echo telling bad puns to Fives in the middle of their most important test as cadets (he looks so excited about it too)


In fact, when Echo was around, Fives would almost fade into the background, always behind while his brother took point. I have little doubt Echo was the leader, the trailblazer, and he was a huge influence on Fives, who tried his best to follow in his footsteps after he was gone.




Okay I’m rewatching the Citadel arc and I while of course I love it as one of the few times we get to see Fives (and that part where Anakin goes flying to the magnetized ceiling, that’s priceless) I also hate it and here’s why, look at this shit:

Obi Wan ignores the deaths of these clones, immediately making comments that suggest “stop grieving we’ve got a mission” every time it happens, ignoring Echo who he knows (literally no one mentions Echo), and then decides he has the time to “take a moment to honor” this random boring old Jedi-of-the-day. In front of Fives. Who had no one even so much as mention the loss of his best friend who has been through everything with him.