

Y’all I found my first impression notes of the clones

This is so cute, oh and I had some for Domino Squad too but I lost them boohoohoo

Captain Rex

  • Captain of the 501st
  • Looks scary and badass but is actually chill, like he’ll just laugh drinking clones off and join them (if that does not compromise them in any way of course)
  • Excellent leadership, beloved by his men because yeah
  • Loyal but with time learned to think by himself and not blindly follow orders, so yeah smart boi
  • Good at basically everything save flying
  • Blonde
  • Close to Ahsoka
  • Awkward with hugs and babies and probably comforting, will not hesitate to kick ass if necessary

Commander Cody

  • Commander of 212th Attack Batallion
  • Basically Obi but as a clone
  • Older than Rex
  • More like planner while Rex is unorthodox and more creative

ARC Trooper Fives

  • Best friend is Echo, bless those two seriously I love them
  • Cares a whole lot about his fellow clone brothers
  • Goes from being smooth af to being a clumsy bean, thanks Jango daddy
  • His expressions bro

ARC Trooper Echo

  • Nerd, nerd, nerd
  • Likes to read rule books
  • Repeats orders
  • Was supposed to be dead but isn’t

Commander Wolffe

  • 104th AKA Wolfpack, hates the recon missions he goes on
  • Grumpy about stuff, but he lost his eye to Ventress so I think we can all understand that
  • Secretly a grumpy cuddle bear
  • Pretty fucking badass if I do say so myself


  • Loyal, to the point he used to blindly follow orders
  • “If found, return to Tup”
  • Sneers a lot because you’re a piece of shit


  • A bit rebellious, young
  • “I am Tup”
  • Sweet baby of the group but can be a little devil too


  • Hyperactive (leak in growth chamber)
  • Bit rash
  • Ended up sacrificing himself to succeed a secret mission
  • Loves guns
  • Is adorable
  • Wonderful smile, always grinning seriously this guy doesn’t get angry
  • Bald just for his badass tattoo
  • “Let me at ‘em!” Doesn’t give a damn about the odds let him play with the clankers


  • Helped Fives and Hardcase during the secret mission, meaning not afraid to break the rules from time to time
  • Voice that willturning you into puddin’
  • Probably always drags alcohol with him
  • Looks good and leans on stuff


  • Medic for the 501th
  • Will put up a fight but is a sweet child that just loves his brothers

iF FOunD REtUrN tO TUP assfghhjklldksgdhj

Fives’ thoughts when/right after he lost echo?


There isn’t thinking, not for at least nine hours. 

Entire thing is categorized in still images, like a shitty security holorecorder that itsn’t powerful enough to handle more frames. Echo is running toward the ship. It explodes. Echo’s helmet is on the ground and they’re moving.

There’s a funeral that isn’t Echo’s. Then Fives is back on the Resolute running those four images over and over in his mind, waiting in line at the mess hall. He tries to get his food from the auto-server and it pauses, makes the same whirring noise while it calculates the order and something bumps around inside it.

Fives expects the same comment Echo always gives: “someone should get maintenance on that”. 

But it doesn’t come and that’s when it hits him that Echo’s gone. The blood rushing in his ears is too loud, drowns out the sound of his tray hitting the ground. Doors, halls, bulkheads fly by. He can’t see anything but Echo’s helmet and the Jedi’s funeral, chasing each other like there’s some sick joke he’s missing but doesn’t get. 

His bucket’s off and slams into the wall adjacent to the door. There’s three men in the barracks and none of them bothers to ask what’s wrong. They all know.

Fives can’t speak, not yet. He doesn’t talk for a long time–then he breaks and even that’s caught in a series of stills that are seared into his mind the way Echo’s burnt, mangled helmet is.



6/6 – clone day!

AU where Star Wars takes place in a slightly kinder universe and Fives is still alive when they find Echo – cue a very emotional reunion and also me crying because clone brothers oh god

alternatively, some kind of post-death reunion in the Force-afterlife/manda/~clone heaven~. but that’s sadder so let’s not

and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again

How does monopoly in the Fett family typically go?


I’m pretty sure I got this question like a year ago too and forgot to ever answer it, oops. Anyway: It generally ends in shouting, as is tradition. Other common features:

  • Cody insists on being banker. No one ever really challenges this.
  • Rex is surprisingly terrible. Like you might think he’d do okay, but somehow he always ends up losing spectacularly. And then gets passive-aggressively pissy about how the game is “boring/rigged anyway.”
  • Jesse always ends up in jail.
  • Kix really likes playing as the top hat, and is not above using emotional manipulation to secure it.
  • Fives brings the hype and takes big risks. Sometimes they pay out, sometimes they bite him in the ass. Either way, he’s yelling about it.
  • Echo has encyclopedic knowledge of the rules. This is good in that everyone agrees to defer to him for interpretation and enforcement. But it’s also bad because it makes him resistant to “house rules.” He also tries to insist on auctions, which others prefer to ditch since they slow the game down.
  • Tup is gullible and lost a lot when he was younger, but eventually becomes a dark horse. He’s a sneaky strategist and not as rambunctious as some of the others, so it’s easy to forget to keep an eye on him. But then BAM, he has all your money.


(I think this is the original base?)

How they respond when asked, “who is Captain Rex?”


Cody: a fuckin nerd

Anakin: my right-hand man

Ahsoka: the guy who tells me where Anakin hides his candy stash

Obi-Wan: one of the bravest men I know

Wolffe: a guy with a spine of steel, but that spine is actually the stick shoved up his ass

Cody, again: a total fucking NERD

Fox: currently polling #3 on the list of Sexiest Commanders in the GAR

Fives: my own personal hero whose name i might have tattooed on my ass once

Echo: the guy whose name Fives got tattooed on his ass once

Dogma: my commanding officer

Kix: my third biggest headache

Cody, still talking: an adorable idiot NERD

Padme: the only reason I still have a husband

Bly: the only commander in the group chat who didn’t make fun of me for drawing little hearts around General Secura’s name on the battle plans

Cody, who may or may not currently have Rex in a headlock: my stupid little baby brother NERD