Fives’ thoughts when/right after he lost echo?


There isn’t thinking, not for at least nine hours. 

Entire thing is categorized in still images, like a shitty security holorecorder that itsn’t powerful enough to handle more frames. Echo is running toward the ship. It explodes. Echo’s helmet is on the ground and they’re moving.

There’s a funeral that isn’t Echo’s. Then Fives is back on the Resolute running those four images over and over in his mind, waiting in line at the mess hall. He tries to get his food from the auto-server and it pauses, makes the same whirring noise while it calculates the order and something bumps around inside it.

Fives expects the same comment Echo always gives: “someone should get maintenance on that”. 

But it doesn’t come and that’s when it hits him that Echo’s gone. The blood rushing in his ears is too loud, drowns out the sound of his tray hitting the ground. Doors, halls, bulkheads fly by. He can’t see anything but Echo’s helmet and the Jedi’s funeral, chasing each other like there’s some sick joke he’s missing but doesn’t get. 

His bucket’s off and slams into the wall adjacent to the door. There’s three men in the barracks and none of them bothers to ask what’s wrong. They all know.

Fives can’t speak, not yet. He doesn’t talk for a long time–then he breaks and even that’s caught in a series of stills that are seared into his mind the way Echo’s burnt, mangled helmet is.

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