How does monopoly in the Fett family typically go?


I’m pretty sure I got this question like a year ago too and forgot to ever answer it, oops. Anyway: It generally ends in shouting, as is tradition. Other common features:

  • Cody insists on being banker. No one ever really challenges this.
  • Rex is surprisingly terrible. Like you might think he’d do okay, but somehow he always ends up losing spectacularly. And then gets passive-aggressively pissy about how the game is “boring/rigged anyway.”
  • Jesse always ends up in jail.
  • Kix really likes playing as the top hat, and is not above using emotional manipulation to secure it.
  • Fives brings the hype and takes big risks. Sometimes they pay out, sometimes they bite him in the ass. Either way, he’s yelling about it.
  • Echo has encyclopedic knowledge of the rules. This is good in that everyone agrees to defer to him for interpretation and enforcement. But it’s also bad because it makes him resistant to “house rules.” He also tries to insist on auctions, which others prefer to ditch since they slow the game down.
  • Tup is gullible and lost a lot when he was younger, but eventually becomes a dark horse. He’s a sneaky strategist and not as rambunctious as some of the others, so it’s easy to forget to keep an eye on him. But then BAM, he has all your money.


(I think this is the original base?)

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